Southern FIREFLY


Southern Firefly has the stature to match her presence.She is a focused and dedicated raid healer of which any Endling can rely on. She was a quick learner and now has a natural aptitude for directing her teammates in battle. Never mistake her scolding's for cruelty as love in the line of fire is tough and she must prioritise your life.Don't be shocked if you find yourself snatched out of certain death to find her towering over you, no time for thanks. Should you look up you will be met with the reflection of aether in her eyes, focused on her quarry.Outside the realms of monsters and Gods and other such threats to The Source, SF may come across as impenetrable and stoic. Come to know her and you will find a depth and kindness unexpected.As a mother she can sometimes be stern, as she expects much from her daughter Y'koal Rinshi. Despite this, SF always know when she is needed and will always comfort and protect her children- which now includes two daughter's in law (Mori Walker & Yesuntei Kha) and a grand-daughter (Lann Althor). She certainly didn't ask for such a big family, but they love her and she tolerates their shenanigans."Then we can die together ♥" - SF